At RTW Together we want to hear from you, please get in touch via any of the means below

Call or Email Us
BID members are always welcome to contact us by ringing our office line -
01892 322 341
or emailing us on the following emails:-
BID Member Enquiries - biddirector@rtwtogether.com
Marketing & Promotion - marketing@rtwtogether.com
Events and Project Support - projectofficer@rtwtogether.com
Training - bidschool@rtwtogether.com
Finances & Accounts - accounts@rtwtogether.com
HR & Recruitment - hr@rtwtogether.com

Visit Our Office
We are based at a ground floor unit in the centre of Royal Tunbridge Wells at 52 High Street, nestled between Aura and Geography Wine Bar just a few doors down from the Ivy.
BID Members are always welcome to come and see us for a free coffee in our meeting space (either by prior appointment or impromptu).
However please note we often pop out to see other BID Members or run projects across town so may not be in if you pop in unexpectedly.
Sign Up To Our Newsletter

RTW Together creates and sends out a monthly newsletter on first Wednesday of the month. Free for anyone, this newsletter highlights upcoming or recent projects the BID has worked on as well as highlight relevant town updates for the business community.
We encourage you to sign up by filling in your email address below to learn best how to get the most of your membership and keep updated about the town.
Join Our
WhatsApp Community
To engage with and support the business community of Royal Tunbridge Wells we operate a welcoming WhatsApp Community open to all genres of businesses of the town.
The community provides an opportunity to hear the latest opportunities from RTW Together, updates about the town and a general opportunity to network with and connect with other businesses.
The community currently has the following groups:-
RTW Together General - Updates from us and general business enquiries
RTW Charity & Community - Share and connect on this fundraising and similar
RTW Equipment & Servicing - Seek/sell/share equipment and information
RTW Networking & Events - Share/seek info on business events
RTW News & Ideas - Be updated on town news and discuss ideas for the town
If you would like to join the group or provide any feedback please email biddirector@rtwtogether.com

Follow Our Social Media
RTW Together runs multiple social media avenues to engage with and support the business community. Please follow and subscribe to us to learn about what we do and what the town has to offer and please feel free to like and share our articles to expand our reach further.
Don't forget to tag us if you'd like us to freely share promotions.
Royal Tunbridge Wells Together / @rtwtogether
Join The BID
Business Improvement Districts are formed after a ballot takes place where any eligible BID Member will be given an opportunity to vote and decide whether they wish for the BID to be set up. If that ballot ends up with a yes vote then all eligible businesses will automatically become BID Members and be eligible for the BID levy charge for the 5 year duration of the BID term.

To be an eligible BID Member a business must fullfill two criteria.
1. Be responsible for a property that pays business rates within the BID area
2. The property as assessed by the VOA must have a rateable value above £15k.
If you have a property within the BID area but with a rateable value less than £15k you will shortly be welcome to join the RTW Together team and access all its benefits for a flat annual fee of £120.
We are also considering a possible voluntary scheme for local businesses that fall outside the BID area.
If you would be interested in learning more please contact the BID team

The BID is managed on a daily basis by an employed BID Director, and overseen by a panel of voluntary boad members. This board comprises representatives of businesses from across the town centre and is designed to fairly represent the different genres and types of organisations.
To learn more about RTW Together and what is involved with being a board director, please read the following pack.
If after that you would be interested in joining the team, please contact us to discuss the opportunity.

RTW Together hosts an Annual General Meeting where the legal formalities of Royal Tunbridge Wells Together take place. These include:-
Approving the prior year minutes
Approving the accounts
Approving any new directors
Approving any changes to the constition
An annual report which will have been previously shared out with the BID community will be presented by the BID CEO.
All BID members are welcome to attend the AGM electronically via Teams and ask any questions of the staff or board or alternatively are welcome to watch a recording of the event afterwards.
2023 Draft Minutes